Speed-Tests With Pingdom.com
This post was automatically copied from Speed-Tests With Pingdom.com on eklausmeier.goip.de.
As I have moved my blog from WordPress to eklausmeier.goip.de, I wanted to know if I am really getting better response times across the globe. WordPress always felt slow. Below measurements will confirm this.
Pingdom.com is a monitoring and performance measurement website. See Wiki article.
Let's start with the gold-standard, i.e., let's first check how fast Google search page is when loaded from San Franzisco:
Load time is 799ms. Performance grade is 83. Load time and performance grade is the same if fetched from Washington D.C. Below image shows that Google's page contains more than half a megabyte of Javascript, and it contains ca. 50 KB of HTML.
A only-text page of my blog: Moved Blog To eklausmeier.goip.de fetched from Washington D.C.:
Load time is 1,060ms. Performance grade is 87, i.e., better than Google's. For this article the skewness between CSS and HTML is very striking. CSS is 250 KB compared to 4 KB of HTML. See below image.
Obviously this blog needs a diet regarding CSS. The ratio is just too bad.
A post with images from my blog: Using GoAccess with Hiawatha Web-Server fetched from Washington D.C.:
Load time is 919ms. Performance grade is 74.
A very small text-only post in WordPress: Moved Blog To eklausmeier.goip.de fetched from Washington D.C.:
Load time is 1,620ms. This blog post is smaller than the almost same blog post on my blog. In fairness to WordPress, WordPress shows images, more references, more buttons for this page.
These results in comparison to Google are quite astounding as my upload speed is just 50 MBit/s, i.e., this is the speed with which visitors can download content from my web-server. Also, I use no CDN.