SSD Speed on Dell XPS 13 9350 with Samsung EVO 970 Plus

This post was automatically copied from SSD Speed on Dell XPS 13 9350 with Samsung EVO 970 Plus on

In continuation of blog-post SSD Speed on Dell XPS 13 9350, here are performance measurements for a Samsung EVO 970 Plus in Dell XPS 13.

Caveat from Dell xps 13 9350 and Samsung 970 evo M.2 nvme Compatability?:

However, be aware that although the XPS 13 9350 uses a PCIe x4 configuration for its NVMe interface, the lanes are run in power saving mode, not max performance mode, and this cannot be changed by the user. 4 lanes in power saving mode is roughly equivalent to 2 lanes in max performance mode, so the result is that your sequential read and write speeds will max out at 1.8 GB/s, even though the 970 Evo can do much more than that.

Installing the new Samsung EVO 970 Plus.

Mounted in laptop:

Read speed of unencrypted disk:

Once again read speed, this with a LUKS encrypted disk: